We're well-known as one of the leading double-layer sliding bearings manufacturers and suppliers in China. If you're going to buy top quality double-layer sliding bearings with competitive price, welcome to get dimensions and specifications from our factory.

Неабходны вытворца ад спякання ліста да гатовай прадукцыі

Падшыпнікі колы Epen робяць навакольнае асяроддзе чысцейшым, больш гарманічным функцыянаваннем грамадства

Jiashan Epen Bearing Co., Ltd. з'яўляецца прафесійным вытворцам слізгаючых лагінаў, металевых пластычных складаных лагінаў бізнэсу, спецыялізаваных у прытрыманні выдатных рэчаў, тым лепш для нашых кліентаў працягваць стварэнне канцэпту значэння, прапануІснуючыя галоўныя прадукты кампаніі для метал-пластычных складаных серый простых лагінаў, біметальных лагінаў, слізгаючых лагінаў адзіная метальная серыя, шмат разоў выкарыстоўваюцца ў аўтамабільных, металургіях, інжынерсках машынах, канструкцыйных машынах

EMT Bushing

EMT Bushing

EMT bi-metallic bushing is formed from steel strips with alloy lining material. The alloy lined surface can be machined oil grooves, holes, formed Indentations etc according to different application. It is suitable for high load, lower speed oscillation & rotation movement.

Больш падрабязна ЗАПЫТАЙЦЕ ЗАРАЗ

EUR Bushing

EUR Bushing

EU R is two-layer structure, which consists of a bronze mesh Laminated with PTFE Tape. The weight of fininal products is lighter and easy to install due to advantages of this structure. Automotive door hinges is one of typical applications.

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EMT-1 CuSn10Pb10 Alloy

EMT-1 CuSn10Pb10 Alloy

EMT bi-metallic bushing (EMT-1 CuSn10Pb10 Alloy) is formed from steel strips with alloy lining material. The alloy lined surface can be machined oil grooves, holes, formed Indentations etc according to different application. It is suitable for high load, lower speed oscillation & rotation movement.

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EMT-2 CuPb24Sn4 Alloy

EMT-2 CuPb24Sn4 Alloy

EMT bi-metallic bushing ( EMT-2 CuPb24Sn4 Alloy) is formed from steel strips with alloy lining material. The alloy lined surface can be machined oil grooves, holes, formed Indentations etc according to different application. It is suitable for high load, lower speed oscillation & rotation movement.

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EMT-3 CuPb30 Alloy

EMT-3 CuPb30 Alloy

EMT bi-metallic bushing ( EMT-3 CuPb30 Alloy) is formed from steel strips with alloy lining material. The alloy lined surface can be machined oil grooves, holes, formed Indentations etc according to different application. It is suitable for high load, lower speed oscillation & rotation movement.

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EMT-4 AlSn20Cu Alloy

EMT-4 AlSn20Cu Alloy

EMT bi-metallic bushing (EMT-4 AlSn20Cu Alloy) is formed from steel strips with alloy lining material. The alloy lined surface can be machined oil grooves, holes, formed Indentations etc according to different application. It is suitable for high load, lower speed oscillation & rotation movement.

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EMT-5 CuSn8Ni Alloy

EMT-5 CuSn8Ni Alloy

EMT bi-metallic bushing (EMT-5 CuSn8Ni Alloy) is formed from steel strips with alloy lining material. The alloy lined surface can be machined oil grooves, holes, formed Indentations etc according to different application. It is suitable for high load, lower speed oscillation & rotation movement.

Больш падрабязна ЗАПЫТАЙЦЕ ЗАРАЗ